
Spring, Sakura, Sneeze!

by - 2.4.08

2 April 08
What I did today:
1. Woke up, checked email, cooked breakfast, sneezed, ate breakfast with kids, bathed and got dressed, sneezed and dressed the kids.
2. Went to pediatrician, sneezed, got 3 kids checked up, talked with doctor a lot and sneezed.
3. Went with kids to the playground, played with them, sat on the swing and seesaw then sneezed, walked to buy medicines.
4. Saw the sakura blooming! Yehey! Sneezed, searched for camera in bag, went back home to get camera, oops memory stick full...grrrr! Called hubby,no answer.
5. Went to bank, got money, paid bills, bought medicines, went with kids to eat, ate salad and met a Filipina; talked, talked, sneezed!


6. Bought milk, food, socks. Sneezed!
7. Hubby called, talked with him, got memory stick from son's PSP and put it in my camera (Brilliant!). Saw daffodils and tulips, sneezed! Took photos of them and sakura (yohoo!)
8. Went home, cleaned house, sneezed, bathed kids, browsed blogs, copied photos...got problems grrr...sneezed!
9. Cooked dinner, recovered sakura photos, sneezed, ate dinner while watching Bee movie, fed son, put dishes in washer, gave kids' medicine, put them to sleep, read book, did this post and sneezed!

The pollen has been causing me to sneeze (hay fever?) And it has been annoying me much =( Glad that I finally saw the cherry blossoms in the lonely tree near our apartment). Got a photo of the kids under the tree, too bad I wasn't able to recover it from memory stick =( Just that one photo....


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  1. what gorgeous flowers captured absolutely beautifully by you! really, really lovely. spring has sprung - yay!!

  2. I love the flowers. Really gorgeous! And nicely captured!


  3. Lovely flowers.

    I guess, like me, you also have spring allergies. I hate them. My eyes grow red, my throat itches, my nose gets runny, and yes, the sneezes. I'm scheduling an appointment with my doctor to obtain my annual prescription against those allergies. I dread this time of the year.

  4. what a day? it's good that you are spending enough time with your kids.

    lovely sakura. we don;t have it here in the Philippines. (i think...)

  5. Wonderful photos of flowers, really wonderful, Gizelle!!
    Do you use always the same camera or you change?
    Have a very nice day. :)

  6. very pretty! imagine a bunch as a wedding bouquet (nangarap huh?!). :D

    sneezing?...bless you!:D

  7. Gizelle! You've forgotten to buy more kleenex! ;-)
    My daughter has been very touched by your nice idea about her photos in Vienna, but you know, most of them show more mates than parts of the city...
    I hope your allergy will soon decrease...

  8. You've got a lot accomplished in between sneezes! :D

    Lovely blossom photos, that's such a gorgeous shade of pink.

  9. I detect a certain sneezing trend here!

    One lesson learned, make sure all your electronic stuff is memory stick compatible... ;)

  10. Seems so Debbie, been seeing the flowers and getting eye itch and sneezes lol.

  11. Thanks Kyels, i sometimes hope they dont have much pollen! That would be prettier =)

  12. Ay Panaderos, good I only have eye itch and sneezes but still, its uncomfortable, I went to the allergy center today but do not have my paper from my doctor lol, I have to go back.

  13. Wikipedia says there's a certain Palawan Cherry blossoms, Dong...it resembles those in Japan...=) Sa Palawan lang may spring hehe.

  14. Pietro, the photos if older than one year are taken by a Sony f505v, the newer ones are by a Sony f717 =) I sometimes use other lenses but very seldom...Thanks a lot!

  15. Pangarap Luna, is never always just pangarap ;-) Now you've said it, it does look lovely as a bouquet...

  16. Lol, alice, I got loads of em...*sigh* Hmmm...your daughter's photos must be personal, I won't insist but I do hope she enjoyed her Vienna visit...

  17. Thanks Fenix! More that the sneezes were too much! I forgot to write that it rained while I was photographing the blossoms...hence the gray bg...good day to you!

  18. Per, What I learned is never to cut the photos from the memory stick then paste them to the hard drive! =( I should always remember that, just copy not cut...Though I was able to recover almost all of them, I just go out tomorrow and take more photos ;-)

  19. Ops, cutting too deep into that memory. Hope you didn't lose anyting precious. I once formatted a memory stick filled with photos from a great excursion. It was dreadfully cold, my hands had been freezing all day, I was tired, didn't think and ... ops, empty stick. To be honest, most of the stuff on that stick was just nice-to-haves but there were half a dozen photos I still miss.

  20. yes, the unfortunate thing about spring and summer is that flowers and pollen go hand in hand. Beauty and the bees ... lovely and busy. And for you, Gizelle, the makers of Kleenex tissues applaud. Lovely flowers ... and my, what a busy day!

  21. Its frustrating Per, =( and sad too. Try using the digital recovery software as I did...this isnt actually the first time it happened (I never learn...) And that software has always helped me... =D

  22. This is the very first time I had it Chuck and annoying really how I need to rub my nose and eyes often....When I went to the allergy center, there were lots of people at the waiting reception lol. This year's was just too much.

    -Normal days include bringing and picking kids from school and kindergarten, so this list is actually a less busy day =D

  23. Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us despite your hectic schedule....and achooooh (I sneezed!)

  24. Oppps, hope you don't catch the virus JC, Thanks for your kind comments!
