More Statues and more than just statues

by - 3.8.08


27 July 08

Above, a view in front of the Naturhistorisches Museum.

Who says museums are boring for kids? =) My son on top of the elephant in front of the building.


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  1. I bet a lot of people get their photo taken with that elephant!

  2. wow! good that people were allowed to get on top of those statues. maybe only for the elephant.

    he looks cute up there. it tells me how big it is.

  3. I love museums and I don't think they are a tad boring at all. They provide me w/loads of information!


  4. i would sit on top of that elephant, too! i love museums...i can walk around for days without getting bored.

  5. Hi Gizelle! Finally I found some time to get back and enjoy your excellent blog…
    See that you made an excellent reportage at the Maria-Theresien Square: The Naturhistorisches, and the Venus of Willendorf are gorgeous; your sun is having a lot of fun; and, of course, Vasco da Gama had to be there!!
    Loved to see the metal oistrich!
    and the blue skies.
    Finally, the «legal graffitti» comes under the category that I like... ;)
    Meanwhile Blogtrotter, now with the second and last post on the MoMA, is waiting for your comments! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great week and a nice holiday, in case you have the chance to profit from it! ;))

  6. Here they just dont allow!
    Cute :)
