

by - 7.7.08


7 July 08

And I was so proud to say that its summer lol, it rained today while the kids and I were out at the city center. It isn't favorable because I didn't bring any raincoats nor umbrellas thinking that its still going to be a sunny day.

I guess the older people are right to say verrücktes Wetter '(crazy weather)!'

P.S. Janet, you might notice the photo above is the big Männer store in Stephansplatz =)

rain tram

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  1. that's a cool-looking tram (is that you call it?:D). same weather here...sunny in the morning, wet in the early evening.

  2. I like how all the complication of the photo is contained within the arch.

  3. Manner. Yum! Great rainy day pics, M.

  4. This is very much how Hobart looks this morning. And it’s cold to boot!

    Despite the weather, I really like the photographs.

  5. Good Morning from Mississippi! Hope you have a great week. Keep up the good work here! That is a cool shot!

  6. It seems many of us oare suffering this "summer" weather. Not at all nice for photographers, but you have managed to show us a very relfective view.

  7. Alright, this is going to be an ignoramus' question: doesn't the rain affect those electric trams or buses (or whatever they're called)?

  8. Its giving me headaches Luna...and tired somehow...Trams, some locals call it street car in English as the German 'Strassenbahn' literally means so.

    Elaine, thanks for dropping by, I like also the colors of the lights in there.

    Janet, I am not much a männer fan, but the kids surely are!

    Kris, I bet winter is really there?

    For the people, thank you! Hope you have a great week too!

    Babooshka, it was a surprise! I wouldn't want to be caught in the rain again lol.

    Hilda, you made me think actually. I somehow believe its the use of passive electricity in those tramlines =D hope someone with expertise on this could expand.

  9. rain time is cool time but sadly it interrupts travel time.
