
Rubbing elbows with the Mayor and the President

by - 10.4.10

(Austrian President Heinz Fischer and First Lady Margit Fischer)

See those warm smiles? Those were how prominency greeted us, some of Vienna's residents who took part in the So schoen ist Wien Fotowettbewerb (loosely translated as 'So beautiful is Vienna photo contest'/Vienna is so beautiful photo contest). I am not aware of the contest until the final week that it was running. I almost forgot to join but managed to somehow send a handful of entries but they were not necessarily the best in my collection. During deadline, I lined up the photos that I'd be submitting, alas! I fell asleep and woke up 5 minutes before 12 midnight...so I left it at that, with the idea that nothing from my photos would be selected.

Couple of weeks later, I received an email that somehow one, yes, a lone photo of mine was included for the 1000 selection to be included in a photo book and displayed on billboards in different parts of the city. I was also sent an invitation to attend this event, as a thank you from Vienna's Mayor Dr. Michael Häupl (pronounced hoypell) and Austrian President Heinz Fischer. It, I think, was a good campaign strategy for the latter's candidacy too. The elections will be held on April 25 with only 3 candidates vying for the seat. Fischer is seeking to win his second term (6 years).

President Fischer and wife, first lady Margit, were as how they look, warm and accommodating. Would you believe that there were no bodyguards around? (Well, none that I saw.) Surely very different from how politicians in the Philippines were (only talking about those I met while covering certain news events).

Anyway, I was able to get some good angles being the smallest in the swarm of photographers around. lol. They don't mind me being in front because I don't block their lenses. :D Should you want to see more photos click the companion blog page. CDP (city daily photo) blogs are supposed to be one a day and I normally post two but today, just for today I'm posting 3.

(Viennese Mayor Dr. Michael Häupl)

I have known Mayor Häupl as Vienna's mayor since I came here 7 years ago. He's been seated since 1994. What I didn't know was he is a man of humor. We were all just having fun at the photo session because he was such a big sport!

Finally, this is that sole photo that made it to the book. Happy weekend!

Andere photos finden Sie hier.


Our Weekend Memoirs

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  1. Congrats!!!! wow! Galing naman, meeting the Austria's president, sosyal! :)

  2. Wow, congratulations G! That's fantastic news! Galing!

    And I'm envious that your politicians seem so down to earth. The few foreign ambassadors I've seen here are too.

    I suspect that in our government, there's a direct correlation about how many security guards a person has and his/her level of corruption.

  3. Wow, and wow talaga! Congratulations! I understand the feeling of being chosen and even better meeting the Head of State!

    Keep the shutter speed rolling, baka ma front page pa!

  4. It is a nice photo, well worthy in a photo book. Congratulations on your success.

  5. Fun to meet some political VIPs! We had a big political rally which I highlighted on my blog this past Thursday.

  6. Congrats G! You always take awesome photos...I'm a fan of your di ba? =)
