
I ♥ Earth

by - 8.6.10

I (heart?) earth

...and everything that comes with it. Still from the Kindermuseum set of photos, the most appropriate meme of course to post these...related to water! Here (click) are some more photos from the museum.

The I (tree/heart?) Earth can be seen in the big water mill the kids played with...all foggy because of the water in it. The one below is what the kids called a big water bag and which they can sit on as they listen to the guide explain all about water.

Big water bag

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  1. the green one is that a straw? that first one is a pretty neat capture.

  2. M, that's a pole, here's a foto to show more http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs550.ash1/32090_1297442081648_1398242903_30654811_7217601_n.jpg

  3. Neat captures and great fun for the kids!

  4. I heart earth too! Moon or Mars can be an alternate.

    This is a neat shot, I could see the steam/water inside.

  5. How very interesting. I learned something today, thanks to you.

    My Wednesday issue today...FOUNTAINS & all that Ja-a-a-z-z-z Come on over, my door is always open!

  6. very interesting!i am sure kids love to here stories about it....

  7. I think that Earth is pretty good too!
